I have heard many Christians dismiss the importance of the Old Testament. Some verbally and some by simply reading or studying the New Testament. I find the Old testament to offer great insights into the nature and character of the Living god. It shows me how He responds to the actions of men both good and evil. This gives me greater confidence in the Lord. Learning to reconcile the God of the Old Testament and the God of the New testament is like listening to surround sound as opposed to mono.
One such example is Jehoshaphat. The story begins in 2 Chronicles 17 with Jehoshaphat becoming king. In v6 it states “His mind was elevated in the ways of the Lord.” That lays the foundation for the success of his kingship.
In chapter 20 Jehoshaphat learns that a great army is coming against his kingdom. It states he was afraid. When we become afraid of any of the circumstances of life we must choose how we will respond. When we face financial difficulties do we resort to credit card debt to bail us out ? When we get sick is our first thought tot run to the doctor? When we have marriage or relationship problems do we try to find a secular counselor?
Jehoshaphat was afraid “he decided to resort to the Lord”
Our first response to any situation should be the same. We must resort to the Lord and fully trust Him.
20:12 In turning to God Jehoshaphat said “We are powerless against this great multitude.” He was demonstrating his faith in God alone and not relying on the resources at hand. You might ask what could he depend on except God? Chapter 17:14 tells us he had an army of 1,160,00 men! Yet Jehoshaphat understood that the Lord was their best defense. The end of the story is that Jehoshaphat did not even have to fight. The Lord fought for them and they were 3 days carrying away the wealth and spoils of their enemy.
How are you going to trust in these strange and troubling times? Are you waiting for another Covid relief check? Are you hoping that Biden will extend the unemployment benefits? Are you counting on the vaccine to save you?
I encourage you not to look anywhere for help but from the Lord.
“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble.” Ps 46:1
I can tell you from 50 years of knowing the Lord that He is always faithful. He does not always give us understanding but He always loves us and wants the best for us.
“My help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth.” Ps 121:2
“He has heard the voice of my supplications. The Lord is my strength and shield. My heart trusted in Him and I am helped.” Ps 28:6
These verses are just some that have been proven true in my life and can be in yours also. Like Jehoshaphat, let your mind be elevated in the ways of the Lord. Take the time to draw close to Him through His written word. All of it. Do not pick and choose or you will never find the treasure within
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