Journey through the Word

Journey Through The Word

Reading the Bible daily in a systematic way becomes a journey of discovery. You will begin to discover the nature and character of the Lord we are serving. It is the most amazing journey you could ever embark on.

Reading the Bible daily is not an exercise in study or memorization but a simple act of feeding on the “Bread of Life”. It takes you beyond the do’s and don’ts of religion to an understanding the nature and character of God. Your spirit will be fed and nourished. The Holy Spirit will become your teacher revealing the secrets of the Word.

I have found that two things universally happen when people begin this journey. First God becomes a much bigger God. He becomes big enough to supply all of your needs. He becomes big enough to protect you from all evil. He becomes big enough to heal broken relationships. He becomes big enough to handle all of your hurts and fears.

Secondly you begin to experience His love in new and personal ways. We all know for “God so loved the world” but now you will begin to feel the Father’s love for you personally. You will begin to experience His love for you in a much more personal way. You will understand that your heavenly Father that wants the very best for you. The knowledge of this amazing love will change your life. Aside from your salvation experience this will become a defining event of your life.

Enjoy the journey.

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Trials of Job

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Rick Mordoff
KWJWD Ministries
PO Box 631
Harrodsburg, Ky. 40330