I read the Bible each day not to defend my spiritual position but to allow God to teach and lead me into His truth. I do not profess to know all of the truth. I know enough to know how I should live my life before Him. It is my firm belief that we should never retire from the work of the Lord or quit striving for a closer relationship with Him.
As I read Revelation there are many things I do not understand or grasp however there are things I do realize that bring a certain uneasiness with regard to my worthiness and those that bring great joy, peace and confidence. I wish to share a few things I recently meditated upon.
We are living in troubled and dangerous times. Troubled because of the governmental and civil unrest and divisions. Dangerous times spiritually because the “Church” has become stagnant and this pandemic has kept us from fellow-shipping and many are waning in their faith and commitment to Christ.
In the warnings to the seven churches each started out with “I know your works”. We must be aware that nothing is hidden from Christ. He knows of our individual thoughts and actions. We are told that we will have to give an account for our lives here on earth. Today am I being the best disciple I can be? We must all strive to do better. To draw closer to Him. The end of the age is closer now than ever before.
Also to the seven churches He said “He who has an ear.” God wants us to be doers not merely hearers of His Word and personal teachings. God is providing many warning signs to us at this present time. Are we going to listen? Are we going to take heed and change our actions?
I believe things are going to get much worse for us, especially Christians. We need not fear if we have an ear to hear Him. This in Revelation I do understand and take great comfort in
“Because you have kept My command to persevere, I also will keep you from the hour of trial which shall come upon the whole world, to test those who dwell on the earth. Behold, I am coming quickly! Hold fast what you have, that no one may take away your crown.” Rev 3:10,11
Is this the beginning of the hour of trial? I don’t know but we do know the whole world has been affected and infected which has changed our entire way of life. Maybe this is just a warning. Maybe it is an alarm that has been sounded for those who have an ear.
I would enjoy hearing from anyone who has a sincere comment.
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